This has nothing whatsoever to do with the sun, but with the way my usual bowl of Shredded Wheat makes me feel in the morning! As a child in Rhodesia, we used to be able to get shredded wheat ... until Harold Wilson got the UN to impose sanctions on the country in 1965. Around thee time that most car bumpers began sporting I HATE HAROLD stickers, shredded wheat vanished from the shelves, and for the remainder of my childhood and a lot of my adult life had to live with Willards Foods' RICE POPPINS and HONEY KRUNCHEES and their valiant attempt at corn flakes which always seemed one or two ingredients short of perfection.
Overseas visits were my only connection to shredded wheat, until 2002 when we moved to Johannesburg. Sadly, the shredded wheat there was available in every Pick'n'Pay but too expensive - I even got some once as a birthday present! Now the move to England has brought me in reach of that glorious, sunshine inducing, body satisfying, muscle building cereal called Shredded Wheat.
My mother always used shredded wheat to make the bird's nest for the Easter cake. She teased out the cereal, and then used melted chocolate to mould it into the nest shape. Thanks for the memory!
You're lucky you got to enjoy Willards Food's RICE POPPINs..growing up in Zim we got to eat Pronutro. Vile stuff! Although at my grandparents we got to enjoy Golden Morn...YUM!!!
Thanks too for the memories!!
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