12 October 2005

Did the earth move, dear?


It's bit eerie when you are thinking about the horrible loss of life in the Pakistan/India/Kashmir earthquake over the weekend, and then feel an earth tremor yourself! My desk shook, and I watched my backpack wobble on the couch in my office, just a few minutes ago. I am sure it was just a baby tremor, Joburg gets them all the time, and not a patch on the big one that has caused so much loss of life and trauma.

Wait until I ask my wife if the earth moved for her too, today!

Here's a link to something about the last decent tremor Joburg had, back in March this year. These are often blamed on all the gold mining done in these here parts for more than a century. I haven't plugged Rob Ellis' blog, The Bearded Man, for a while, but he does a great job of scanning news about Comrade Bob, so click through if you are interested.

Post Script - Rose did indeed feel the earth move for her today, in her office, which is about 6 kms from mine. She said the whole building kind of wobbled for a few seconds, twice. I only felt one of them She also said the news on radio coming home spoke of a 4.5 scale tremor with an epicentre about 200kms from where we live.

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