19 January 2006

Urban legend season again

What is it about a new year and urban legends that rise again like the Phoenix, and take up bandwidth and time for countless people? I got the Madeleine O'Hair / James Dobson / Touched by an Angel one again today.

My personal custom is to always write back to the sender and give them a few links to sites that have lots of detail and info about these myths and urban legends. Rarely though do I get a reply, thanking me profusely for helping them see how easily they were duped.

We are a 'second-hand information' society, aren't we? We rarely hear a news report or read an email and question the source or the veracity of a news item. The pic here is fantastic in its errors. But round the world it went. Sigh. With the Internet, there is one born every second.

Some good hoax sources: the first one, a second one, and even a third one

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