6 April 2006

Search audio for text

Podzinger have done an incredible job of scanning the audio in podcasts and making them searchable via a text search we all understand. You can use the little dialogue box in the right-hand panel of this blog to experiment. let's say you remember that I mentioned 'Harare'in a recent podcast, but you don't recall which one ... type Harare into the search box,make sure Paradise Lost is selected, and hit the search button. Podzinger will scan the sspoken words of all my shows, and report back where in the show it finds the word 'Harare'. Not only that, it will let you listen from that point.

So if you searched for 'Borrowdale' and discover it is 3:45 into show number 8 (it isn't by the way), Podzinger would tell you and then give you a little online player to play the show from that time point. If you choose the ALL SHOWS alternative, it will return a search result for all the podcasts Podzinger is currently scanning ... not all the podcasts in the world, but aa whole bunch of them.

Kudos to Podzinger ... it's an amazing step forward in the digital revolution. Aluta continua.

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