29 November 2008

Back to the future

Huge choice of on-demand, free content on my iPhone

Our lives are quite frenetic in Rose's last surge of Christmas in a Shoebox weeks, as the boxes come in from all over the country  - probably in excess of 45,000 this year. The weather, and storage, checking them and repacking into boxes for the trucking to Romania and Moldova, each have their problems. Last night we were supervising about 15 local sea scouts (if one is actually able to supervise 21st century 12-15 year semi-humans all these days) and in a chaotic, noisy couple of hours they actually loaded almost five pallets of boxes before disappearing into the night quicker than they arrived. Tomorrow I have three deputation speaking engagements - one in Iver and two in Uxbridge, so it means an early departure and late return.But Monday I shall take off, to catch up a little.

So what is the picture all about? I had played with Joost more than a year ago, but really did not have time or interest to watch TV on my laptop with so much already available on, well, my TV! However, Joost have released an iPhone app for their incredibly huge collection of old movies, classi tv shows, and much more. So, I can watch The Monkees, or the Beverley Hillbillys, etc, whenever I want, on my phone. The picture quality is great, sound is great, and it further demonstrates my long held view that the delivery of media content is rapidly heading towards the phone as a control centre.

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